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Thomas Hall
Thomas Hall

The Rife Handbook Of Frequency Therapy With A H...

Purpose: Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) occurs after unaccustomed physical activity or competitive sport, resulting in stiff, painful muscles with impaired function. Acustat electro-membrane microcurrent therapy has been used to treat postoperative pain and soft tissue injury; however, its efficacy in reducing symptoms of muscle damage is not known.

The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy with a H...

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Conclusion: These data show that treatment of muscle damage with Acustat electro-membrane microcurrent therapy reduces the severity of the symptoms. The mechanisms of action are unknown but are likely related to maintenance of intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis after muscle damaging exercise. PMID: 11932567

Abstract: Chronic low back pain associated with myofascial trigger point activity has been historically refractory to conventional treatment (Pain Research and Management 7 (2002) 81). In this case series study, an analysis of 22 patients with chronic low back pain, of 8.8 years average duration, is presented. Following treatment with frequency-specific microcurrent, a statistically significant 3.8-fold reduction in pain intensity was observed using a visual analog scale. This outcome was achieved over an average treatment period of 5.6 weeks and a visit frequency of one treatment per week. When pain chronicity exceeded 5 years, there was a trend toward increasing frequency of treatment required to achieve the same magnitude of pain relief. In 90% of these patients, other treatment modalities including drug therapy, chiropractic manipulation, physical therapy, naturopathic treatment and acupuncture had failed to produce equivalent benefits. The microcurrent treatment was the single factor contributing the most consistent difference in patient-reported pain relief. These results support the observation that rigorously designed clinical investigations are warranted.

Synopsis: This study reviewed current publications to determine if acupuncture therapy had been shown to have a positive effect on the symptoms of phantom-limb syndrome. Avazzia technology, especially combined with the Avazzia MEAD, can be used as a needleless form of acupuncture.

5) Cancer cells differ by size and shape from normal cells [129] and from each other [130] and even vary by metastatic potential [131]. How could the resonances with a single frequency modify these objects with various forms and conditions?

7) Multiple measurements also show the effects of various parts of the cells in low-frequency regions. These changes are chemical and have nothing to do with such energy described by (1). These effects are induced by the electric field interaction in the classical energy exchanges, such as the Drude-model, frequency dispersions, or charge movements. These exchange energies are much higher than the supposed quantum-mechanical effect in (1). According to our current knowledge, the quantum description of the macro-particles and giant molecules like proteins or DNA is missing. Consequently, the wavefunction and the eigenvalues used in (1) do not describe the macro-objects in such small energies as

The literature on cellular resonances concentrates on the low-frequency electromagnetic field (LFEMF), which appears in most of the technics of cancer-specific resonance considerations. Numerous reviews [168] [169], and articles report the response of biological matter to LFEMF [170] [171] [172]. The current expectation is that the periodic intrinsic signal of the low-frequency region is biologically active. The earlier model approximations conclude that external excitation with low frequency is not able to make any effects connected to the cellular membrane. The early models assumed that changes in the field strength result from fluctuations of charges on both sides of the cellular membrane, and this fluctuation completely overwhelms the external excitations [173]. The thermal noise fluctuations at the cell membrane exceed any possible LFEMF-induced signals by some orders of magnitudes [173] [174], so thermal noise limits the electromagnetic influences.

The complete symmetry required in order to induce a pure zero-mode field at a single cell using outer field generators is impossible because most applied external fields are unidirectional. However, there are self-induced and non-direct methods of constructing zero-mode noise components by applying external energy. Dynamic changing of the extracellular matrix (ECM) composition induces ionic currents producing zero-mode noise around the cell. The thermo-diffusion offers another possibility of zero-mode noise. It could be achieved by capacitively coupled electromagnetic field within a specific frequency range [178] [179] [180] provided the RF current is able to penetrate directly into the cytosol.

Electromagnetic medicine represents a new modality, using molecular biology for therapy [233], including oncology [234]. The molecular excitation by using resonances [235] has enormous opportunities. Some bioresonances, like cyclotron resonance [236], are well proven and hypothesized for new kinds of vaccination [237]. The antitumoral vaccination forces tumor-specific immune reactions ignited by thermal and nonthermal effects of nonionizing RF radiation. Bioelectromagnetismactivates both the innate and adaptive immune system [238], promoting the abscopal effect [239] [240], and becomes a part of the complementary clinical therapies [241] [242]. However, presently our knowledge about bioelectromagnetic resonances is somewhat limited. Rigorous theoretical and experimental investigations with randomized prospective clinical studies are mandatory for the further clearance of the cancer-specific resonant frequencies.

Contemporary proponents of radionics or EMT claim that where there is an imbalance of electromagnetic fields or frequencies, within the body, that it causes diseases or other illnesses by disrupting the body's chemical makeup. These practitioners believe that applications of electromagnetic energy from outside the body can correct these imbalances.[2] Like magnet therapy, electromagnetic therapy has been proposed by practitioners of alternative medicine for a variety of purposes, including, according to the American Cancer Society, "ulcers, headaches, burns, chronic pain, nerve disorders, spinal cord injuries, diabetes, gum infections, asthma, bronchitis, arthritis, cerebral palsy, heart disease, and cancer".[2]

TENS as a treatment technique is non invasive and has few side effects when compared with drug therapy. The most common complaint is an allergic type skin reaction (about 2-3% of patients) and this is almost always due to the material of the electrodes, the conductive gel or the tape employed to hold the electrodes in place. Most TENS applications are now made using self adhesive, pre gelled electrodes which have several advantages including reduced cross infection risk, ease of application, lower allergy incidence rates and lower overall cost. Digital TENS machines are becoming more widely available and extra features (like automated frequency sweeps and more complex stimulation patterns) are emerging, though there remains little clinical evidence for enhanced efficacy at the present time. Some of these devices do offer pre-programmed and/or automated treatment settings.

STI screening among MSM has been reported to be suboptimal. In a cross-sectional sample of MSM in the United States, approximately one third reported not having had an STI test during the previous 3 years, and MSM with multiple sex partners reported less frequent screening (221). MSM living with HIV infection and engaged in care also experience suboptimal rates of STI testing (222,223). Limited data exist regarding the optimal frequency of screening for gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis among MSM, with the majority of evidence derived from mathematical modeling. Models from Australia have demonstrated that increasing syphilis screening frequency from two times a year to four times a year resulted in a relative decrease of 84% from peak prevalence (224). In a compartmental model applied to different populations in Canada, quarterly syphilis screening averted more than twice the number of syphilis cases, compared with semiannual screening (225). Furthermore, MSM screening coverage needed for eliminating syphilis among a population is substantially reduced from 62% with annual screening to 23% with quarterly screening (226,227). In an MSM transmission model that explored the impact of HIV PrEP use on STI prevalence, quarterly chlamydia and gonorrhea screening was associated with an 83% reduction in incidence (205). The only empiric data available that examined the impact of screening frequency come from an observational cohort of MSM using HIV PrEP in which quarterly screening identified more bacterial STIs, and semiannual screening would have resulted in delayed treatment of 35% of total identified STI infections (206). In addition, quarterly screening was reported to have prevented STI exposure in a median of three sex partners per STI infection (206). On the basis of available evidence, quarterly screening for gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis for certain sexually active MSM can improve case finding, which can reduce the duration of infection at the population level, reduce ongoing transmission and, ultimately, prevalence among this population (228).

Syphilis serologic testing is indicated to establish whether persons with reactive tests have untreated syphilis, have partially treated syphilis, or are manifesting a slow or inadequate serologic response to recommended previous therapy.

The U.S. Transgender Survey indicated that the proportion of transgender men and gender diverse persons assigned female sex at birth who have undergone gender-affirmation genital surgery is low. Providers should consider the anatomic diversity among transgender men because a person can undergo a metoidioplasty (a procedure to increase the length of the clitoris), with or without urethral lengthening, and might not have a hysterectomy and oophorectomy and therefore be at risk for bacterial STIs, HPV, HSV, HIV, and cervical cancer (366). For transgender men using gender-affirming hormone therapy, the decrease in estradiol levels caused by exogenous testosterone can lead to vaginal atrophy (367,368) and is associated with a high prevalence of unsatisfactory sample acquisition (369). The impact of these hormonal changes on mucosal susceptibility to HIV and STIs is unknown. 041b061a72


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